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Forgotten Parents No More!

Another one bites the dust.

Two down, so many more to go!

Last week, out of nowhere, the Superintendent of Schools in Hermon abruptly resigned after less than two years on the job.

The resignation came in the wake of Maine First Project’s Shawn McBreairty helping dozens of parents organize to defend their children against the twin plagues of race-based Identity Politics and demented LGBTQ++ propaganda in the classroom.

With your help, Maine First Project can keep this momentum going.

Please do me a personal favor and make a contribution TODAY of $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, to Maine First Project so we can bolster our Forgotten Parents Initiative to win back our schools and hold our elected representatives accountable for their dereliction of duty.

In his resignation letter, superintendent Jim Chasse made no mention of the public outrage that erupted when parents discovered this bizarre transgender exhibition in the high school library:

Chasse approved the grotesque display of a life-size “non-binary” doll named Cathy, along with posters encouraging students to pick their pronouns, and choose from a list of 63 genders.

And if all of that weren’t bad enough, Chasse forced students to wear face diapers in class, while he repeatedly went maskless at school board meetings — and laughed it off when a parent called him out on it!

Not so funny now, is it, Jimmy?

The fact is, Chasse presided over a district with abysmal student assessment scores in math, science, and English – and instead focused his attention on immersing students in the lunatic-fringe fantasies of the gender-bender militants.

I’m proud to say Chasse isn’t the first and won’t be the last.

Last year, thanks largely to the persistence of Maine First patriots like you, the Trump-hating, potty-mouthed principal of the Oceanside Middle School in Thomaston tendered his resignation as well.

Principal Bill Gifford posted an obscenity-laced rant on Facebook, deriding Trump voters as “asswipes” with “big trucks and little dicks.” 

He quickly deleted his post, but not before Maine First Project obtained a screenshot of his (perhaps drunken?) outburst.

Our team immediately got to work mobilizing parents and grandparents to demand Gifford’s termination through Call-to-Action e-mails and hard-hitting direct mail to voters in the district.

Our outreach encouraged parents and grandparents to contact RSU 13 superintendent John McDonald and demand that Gifford be disciplined for his ignorant, unprofessional, hyper-partisan rant. 

Not surprisingly, McDonald circled the wagons around Gifford. The superintendent ignored the avalanche of emails from the taxpayers who paid Gifford’s bloated $91K (!) salary. And McDonald stonewalled Maine First Project FOAA requests for his email correspondence with school board members.

Never forget: we have to be willing to fight just as tirelessly as the woke Left.

We did exactly that and in the end, the unrelenting pressure applied by Maine First patriots like you overwhelmed the fortress McDonald built to protect Gifford!

That’s two down, but radical school administrators and school board members are still brainwashing Maine students all over the state.

I’m hoping today you’ll commit to joining Maine First Project in this fight with a gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, to hold more school officials accountable for their educational malpractice.

The victories are racking up, the momentum is on our side, and the virtue-signaling Leftists who preside over the K-12 swamp are in disarray.

When the iron is hot, you must strike – and then double down!

Maine First Project is on the frontlines, leading the charge for the forgotten Mainers in the political and cultural wars that rage around us. And I’m humbled to have patriots like you beside me on this battlefield. 

Thank you as always for your loyal support!

With your help, we will restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be.


Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project


For the second time in the past twelve months, a woke public-school administrator in Maine has resigned under pressure from parents determined to drain the K-12 swamp!

Maine parents have had enough and are taking a stand.

Now more than ever, we need to double down on the pressure.

Please help restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be with a donation TODAY, to Maine First Project of $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford. The future of Maine is on the line in this battle, it’s a must-win! 

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